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Blog entry by Tracie Power

To show how strict Madden and DeMange were about their policy of segregation, [Redirect-302] upto a month before their second grand opening, (The Cotton Club was closed by Prohibition agents for a while, ever though region cops were on the pad), the subsequent job interview took placement. Present were Madden and DeMange, along with their choreographer Althea Fuller, along with their orchestra conductor Andy Preer. The girl being interviewed was Queenie Duchamp.

Within minutes, the rumor had spread on the streets of Harlem that two white men were beating a black boy to disaster. This false rumor received dubious confirmation, the blaring ambulance pulled up in front of the Kress Mall. It made no difference the ambulance was there for the white man who had the severely bitten index finger.

Of course, Madden was still a silent partner with DeMange in Cotton Club, but enormous profits would soon diminish, 대전유흥 before going to a halt in Harlem.

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